Effective Maths Teaching Program & Kit (for Maths Teachers)

The Effective Maths Teaching Training is SACE accredited and after successfully completing our training a Maths teacher will receive a SACE certificate.

By signing up for the Effective Maths Teaching Training, Maths teachers will learn invaluable skills that will enhance their careers.

Purchase here, and we will be in touch with you on the details, and on the delivery of your learning materials.


The Effective Maths Teaching Training is SACE accredited and after successfully completing our training a Maths teacher will receive a SACE certificate.

By signing up for the Effective Maths Teaching Training, Maths teachers will learn invaluable skills that will enhance their careers.

On our training a Maths teacher will learn:

  • Why learners manifest a lack of commitment and motivation to study Maths
  • What makes the subject of Maths difficult for a learner
  • What specific barriers a learner runs into when studying a subject and if not handled may cause them to fail this subject
  • How to identify and handle those barriers and clear the learner’s path to knowledge, thus making him/her succeed in Maths by bringing true understanding of the subject to them
  • How to handle a learner’s confusion and inability to grasp Maths concepts?
  • How to help struggling learners become bright and effective again


With this knowledge, you will gain a great deal of confidence to be able to handle any struggling learner, and the ill-discipline, absenteeism and missing homework will become things of the past. Learners will gain FULL UNDERSTANDING of Maths and thus SUCCEED.

Our purpose is causative education and teaching and learning with UNDERSTANDING.

Our results are teachers with greater understanding, higher confidence, motivation, and passion who can see positive results in their work and learners who are confident, achieve great results and who can think for themselves, apply what they learn, and create their own future.


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